A simple "Coin" class

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class CoinFlips extends Applet
	final int nNUM_TIMES = 10;
	public void paint(Graphics g){
		int nHeads = 0;
		int nTails = 0;
		Coin TheCoin = new Coin();
		for (int nNum = 0; nNum < nNUM_TIMES; nNum++){
			if(TheCoin.toString() == "Heads")
		g.drawString("The Coin was flipped " + nNUM_TIMES + " times",
		             20, 20);
		g.drawString("There were " + nHeads + " heads and "
		             + nTails + " tails.",20,60);

class Coin {
    public final int HEADS = 0;
    public final int TAILS = 1;
    int nFace;          		// the face of the coin 
    public Coin() {             // Constructor - create and initialize a coin

    public void flip() {        // Flips the coin once
        nFace = (int) (Math.random() * 2);

    public int getFace() {      // Accessor - returns the face
        return nFace;

    public String toString() {  // Convert face to human-readable form
    	String sFaceName = new String("Tails");
        if(nFace == HEADS) 
        	sFaceName = "Heads";
        return sFaceName;