/*Instructions: Fill in the blanks so that this program will correctly take the order for a number of oranges or apples. The completed program should accept the follow strings for input: oranges Oranges apples Apples quit Quit */ #include #include #include <________> using namespace std; ____________________________________________; ____________________________________________; ____________________________________________; const double dAPPLE_PRICE = .25; const double dORANGE_PRICE = .30; int main() { ____________________________________________; ____________________________________________; int nApples=0, nOranges=0; string sInput; do { cout<<"Do you want to buy apples or oranges? (or enter \"quit\" to quit) "; cin>>sInput; if(____________________________________________) { cout<<"How many apples would you like? "; cin>>nApples; } else if(____________________________________________) { cout<<"How many oranges would you like? "; cin>>nOranges; } Output(nApples, nOranges); }while(____________________________________________); system("PAUSE"); return 0; } void Welcome() { cout<<"Welcome to Mr. Simon's Fruit Stand"<