AP Java 2 Assignment 2:
In this assignment you will be using materials that are part of the ICT Java curriculum. You should read the
following lessons as you work on the assignment:
- Lesson 23
- Lesson 24
- Lesson 25
- Lesson 26
Steps to starting this assignment
You will then need to create a new empty project with the files
and Sorts.java. Right click on the files
and store them in your folder. (Important note: Make sure when saving SortStepGUI.html to choose
save as "SortStepGUI.html"
with the double quotes.)Then:
- Choose Project | New Project | Empty Project. Name your project SortStepGUI
- Choose Project | Add Files and add the files you just downloaded.
- Choose Window and choose the first SortStepGUI listed.
- SortStepGUI.java should be the main java file
- SortStepGUI.html should be the main HTML file
- You should now be able to run the applet
When you are finished, post your completed applet to your website, and submit the following to mrsimon@lycos.com:
- The code you wrote to complete the 5 sorting methods (and count the steps).
- The following completed charts:
- Lesson 23 page 4
- Lesson 23 page 5
- Lesson 23 page 6
- Lesson 23 page 10