Java Assignment 6 -- Color Mixing Applet
In this assignment you’ll create an applet that takes user input. Since this Graphics program takes input, it is called
a GUI, a graphical user interface. The user can specify the amount of Red, Green and Blue components of a color.
The applet will display the color in a filled shape. For this assignment, you need only one class for the applet.
Your GUI must have the following:
- Some way for the user to specify the amounts of Red, Green and Blue. The easiest way is with buttons.
Check the website for an example applet that uses two buttons.
- You applet should be able to handle any Color value between 0 and 255. Do not allow the user to enter illegal values (less
than zero or greater than 255). Experiment with the Delta buttons to see how the
example handles this.
- A way to reset the applet to its original conditions
- A display of the numerical values and a bar chart that shows the amount of each color.
- Your applet should be implemented using absolute coordinates. Make sure the "layout manager" is set to NULL (turned off).
Other than the above requirements, your program can take any appearance or form that you would like to give it.
Your applet doesn’t have to look like the one pictured above. If you have extra time, you may want to experiment
with the other AWT components.
You will need a web page to display your applet. Your homepage should have a link to the web page for this
Submit the URL of your applet along with your Java code (the .java
file(s)) in an email message